i spin, overcomplicate, chip at, add on, remove, rearrange...overthink.
his work is gestural - unlike myself, he focuses on beauty and aesthetics strictly -- but there is a lifting of the heart and a poetic nature that I am attracted to. it isn't dry - his work.
there is a light hearted beauty I am attracted to.
from saatchi gallery online:
"In addition to minimalism, Sibony also cites inspiration from Robert Rauschenberg’s combines and Richard Tuttle’s post-minimalism in his synthesis of disparate media, and the arte povera movement in its approach to experimentation and mystical conception of the natural quality of materials."
"Delineating empty space as a comparable field by which to measure the sculpture’s existence, Side Show, Side Show wittily hovers between ‘being’ and ‘nothingness’, exuding a quiet spiritual aura in its delicate self-assertion. Presented with understated elegance, the frames operate as both a form and its shadow, action and onsequence, a receptacle and echo of viewer perception."
now that i think on it more - i think its the light pieces that i'm attracted to especially. and the other pieces ONLY in relation to the light pieces....maybe the light pieces feel more 'found everyday beauty"? vs. the rest being more obviously made (with the knowledge of the art world, that is)?
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