I first learned of Polly Apfelbaum's work in grad. school. It was the floor piece with the bandaids... I can't find an image of it online right now...but someone had showed a slide of it during a class. Most of her work is bright, poppy colors like the images above, but the bandaid piece was that wonderfuly strange synthetic flesh color (Caucasian).
I remember liking the piece - the bandaids placed in perfect spacing-- circling, and building on each other similar to the spiral piece above (I believe I remember it that way).
Writing about it now conjures up the smell of bandaids out of the thin air.
At the time, I remember thinking how it would get on my nerves that it would be difficult to keep clean - think of how bandaids build up dirty gunk around the edges after one day of wearing one... I imagined this art piece collecting this gunk around its individual band aid edges and it made me really upset!
Other than the wall paintings above, her work does seem to have a temporary and fragile feel to it. I don't think people are allowed to walk on it - but it is a thin material on the ground where our dirty shoes roam.
Oh, and the pink reflection above is so delicious!
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