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Thursday, January 27, 2011

To be Exceptional

To be exceptional and view the exceptional has varied meanings:

1. to be considered exceptional is to be considered - someone else has to consider you, someone else has to be looking and gauging in the first place.
2. to be considered exceptional is to be placed within a hierarchy - towards the 'top' in this case -only because exceptional is a word with positive connotations.
3. to be considered exceptional is to be unique or different within a group of people - there has to be a norm for there to be an exception.
4. It has to be lonely. It is separated from everyone else at least to some degree
5. ego inflating - depending on the person
6. When someone is pointed out as exceptional, it is usually presented as if the exceptional person can't help it - their exceptional-ism is beyond their control.
7. It seems as if - because it is just the way the person is naturally - that to be exceptional is easy for this particular person and hard for everyone else in the group - whether this is true or not
My guess is that it is not because usually to be exceptional takes a large amount of extra work.
8. Being viewed as exceptional is being viewed from a skewed angle - it does not encompass all parts of a group of people or individual is only looking at particular parts of a situation or person.
9. To view someone as exceptional is to be surprised - at least to some degree.


  1. I love that you’re exploring this!
    How about the elements of relate-ability? How does that factor? Does being exceptional mean taking common truths and experiences and then creating a surprising and astute commentary that brings many into the conversation? And as the audience for art continues to grow…many without a fine art background…does that then broaden the boundaries of what’s considered exceptional or dilute them?

  2. reply to erin:

    a. Relate-ability - yes, that has to be in the have to be relate-able to an extent but still have a distance to be exceptional.

    b. it can.

    c. exceptional in diff. groups of people with diff. tastes, desires, priorities, $, education ---- diff. audiences, just like now, really...I don't think what is considered exceptional in art is really any diff. from before the internet... i mean, there was folk art and street art before the internet with fans of each of those...

  3. A round of applause!
    A standing ovation!
    The curtain draws to a close and flowers are thrown onto the stage! bravo! bravo!!!
    Yes, a slight glimmer of those old stars from youth are still in my eyes...some fading, but not completely....
